Getting By

I didn't buy any groceries last week. 

I do that sometimes, intentionally.  Not last week though, I ran out of time, decided tea with a friend was more important (it was), so I put it off.  I went through the freezer, the pantry, the fridge and I got creative and inventive and we made it through the week. 

I used up my organic cauliflower, and made cauliflower rice with chick peas, ginger and curry( it was great).  Cauliflower is one of those things for me, like avocados.  I buy them with the best of intentions,and then they're done. Over-ripe, turning brown, off to feed my compost. 

Why am I talking about groceries and getting by with less? 

Well, there is the obvious, many people in the world could live off my pantry alone for a month. It's good time to feel grateful. 

There is something else, too.  We are surrounded by so many choices, so many distractions, so much...muchness. 

Sometimes less is enough, more than enough. 

Sometimes paring down our lives, our choices, even for a week opens us up. 

Sitting quietly, hitting the same 4 chords on the piano, letting the same two phrases of poetry run around my mind, envisioning a simpler life, it all makes space. 

Space to look for some inspiration where I wouldn't normally find it. 

In the smallest of things, the first ladybug of the year, the first spring rain, the smell of fresh laundry, oh, and let's not forget the cauliflower rice. 

Love , 


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